Cook up your rice (I made mine in a rice cooker): One cup rice to two cups of water.
While that's going, mix all marinade ingredients in large bowl and slice beef against the grain into thin strips.
Add beef to bowl with marinade, stir well, then squish it around with your hands for a couple of minutes. (It should go without saying, but: Wash hands well both before and after this step!)
Set beef aside to marinate while you cook up the other ingredients.
Crack four eggs into a bowl, beat well, then cook about ¼ of your eggs at a time in a little vegetable oil.
Use a small pan over medium heat and shake the pan as you're adding eggs so they spread out into a thin egg "pancake."
Cook about a minute, then flip and cook the other side for another minute.
Stack your egg pancakes as they're cooked, then slice into thin strips and set aside in in a separate bowl.
Peel carrots if using whole, then slice into small sticks.
Stir fry in about 1 teaspoon vegetable oil over high heat until tender, then set aside in separate bowl.
Cook spinach for two minutes in a pot of boiling water.
Drain, cool for a couple of minutes, then squeeze some of the water out.
Stir fry your spinach in vegetable oil in large pan over medium heat for 2-3 minutes, then remove to a separate bowl, season with salt & pepper, stir, and set aside.
Add 1 cup water and ⅛ teaspoon salt to a pot.
Bring to a boil, add bean sprouts, cover, and cook for two minutes.
Drain sprouts, then set aside in separate bowl.
Heat your large frying pan over high heat for about 30 seconds, then dump your entire bowl of beef + marinade into the pan.
Spread it out across the bottom of the pan, and stir fry for about 3 minutes, stirring occasionally, until browned.
Pour the resulting cooked meat and gravy into another bowl.
Put all your ingredients out on the table along with some hot sauce for topping and a homemade centerpiece. (This was awesome with chili garlic sauce!).
Add rice to your bowl, then proudly top with veggies, meat, egg, and chili garlic sauce (if desired).