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Work-at-home Saturday 7/10/10 -- Work at Home Mafia interview

One work-at-home blog you should be sure to bookmark is Work At Home Mafia, which contains everything from job leads to tips on working at home successfully. WAHM Talk Radio recently interviewed Work At Home Mafia's Kim Artlip, so I thought this would be a useful resource to share for our Work-at-home Saturday today. One of my favorite quotes from the interview:

Too often you will see individuals approach working from home with the wrong mindset.   They have bought into the myth that they will find a job where they can work very little and make great money.  There really is no job like that.  Any endeavor you attempt is going to take time, dedication and hard work.   It won’t happen over night and you will work for what you achieve.  You really do reap what you sow – therefore the more you put into it, the more return you will see on your efforts.

Too true: Work-at-home is work, just like anything else. What sets it apart though, is its flexibility. Because you do get back what you put into it, moms can choose the right level of commitment for themselves and their families -- and mashup moms can find the right balance between saving and making money.

So the best way to start is by setting some goals: Do you want just to make a bit on the side to use for Christmas gifts at the end of the year so you don't get socked with credit card bills in January? Do you want the equivalent of a part-time job outside the home? Do you want to find a steady work-at-home gig, or do you want to incorporate multiple small streams of income? Do you want to keep your hand in professionally so that it's easier to go back to work full-time when the kids are older, or do you want to do something completely different? Think about what best fits your goal, skills, personality, and available time.