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What's Rachel Reading? A Good Day To Buy

It's too darn hot for heavy reading this week, so let's dip our toe back into some lighter cozy mystery! Ironically, I just finished reading Sherry Harris' A Good Day To Buy. Why ironic? Well... I just participated in a multi-family garage sale recently, and let's just say mine was less well organized (and definitely less lucrative...) than those portrayed in this series.

But whereas my efforts to clean out my house via garage sale largely resulted in a bunch of well-loved clothes, books, and toys, protagonist Sarah Winston deals more in helping people sort and sell their antique, vintage, and collectible items: Her garage sales are those cool ones that you seldom actually see, but more often just read about in books.

Fast paced and full of plot twists, A Good Day To Buy does a good job of portraying life in small town New England, while providing fascinating glimpses into the dual worlds of military life and vintage appraisal. The secondary storyline around veterans is thoroughly engaging, and you can tell that the author knows her subjects. And yes: There's the typical special relationship with the police and related relationship dilemmas that you often find in small town cozy mysteries.

Where A Good Day To Buy falls short, however, is in the behavior of the main character, Sarah. This is true throughout the series, but especially pronounced in this installment -- For a smart woman, she often engages in some seriously stupid behavior. You know how in horror movies you're always yelling: "Don't go in there?" The book is filled with "don't go in there moments" that sometimes make you want to slap your head in frustration. (Yes, this is common in the cozy mystery genre, but a little over the top in this one.)

A Good Day To Buy, however, is a thoroughly entertaining gym or beach read; just be forewarned and prepare to engage your suspension of disbelief.

Like this? You have three more to read!

While this book easily stands alone (and background explanations are provided), A Good Day To Buy is the fourth in a series. So, if you like to read in order you'll want to start with the first Sarah Winston Garage Sale MysteryTagged for Death. The series should appeal if you're a fan of cozies, life on and off a military base, or garage, thrift, and estate sales; the author is herself a bargain-hunting military spouse, and it shows.

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