Welcome, LISJobs.com visitors! So you might be wondering: How on earth did I end up here? Well, since I stopped updating LISJobs several years ago, it seemed high time to take down that crumbling edifice: The LISJobs.com site came down for good back in 2016.
- Still looking for a library job? I suggest INALJ.com as a place to start.
Also visit your local library system. In IL, for instance, RAILS is a fantastic resource.
What am I up to?
Or, were you looking for Rachel Singer (Gordon)? This is where I hang out now (speaking of alternative careers)... I've been using my librarian skills to run Mashup Mom since 2009. Welcome!
Please stick around and browse for a bit, since there's something for everyone here:
... and so much more! (OK, not library jobs... but other things for everyone!)
But wait, there's more
What else are you looking for?
- Looking for books by Rachel Singer (Gordon)? Check out my author page on Amazon.
- Looking for something else? Contact me at [email protected]
Good luck with your library job hunt, and I'm glad you're here -- however serendipitously.