Bob Ross energy drinks, race car razors, cat butt magnets, & more. Our weekly roundup of weird and fun Amazon products -- for you, for fun, for white elephant or birthday gifts, or just to enjoy!
One weird Amazon product, every single day, for the week of 4/18/22! Find new unusual, fun, and/or white elephant gifts each morning on the Mashup Mom Facebook page, and in this weekly roundup every Sunday.
Our excursions into the weirder side of Amazon just help us start every day with a smile: What's your own favorite pick among this week's weird Amazon products?
Weird Amazon products, week of 4/18/22
Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your... spaghetti noodles? Yes, this majestic spaghetti tower pasta canister really lets you store your noodles in style.
It's a Bob Ross positive energy drink! (Because Bob Ross just screams high energy, right?)
Then, how about a different Father's Day gift idea for you: This HeadBlade ATX razor lets men shave their head (or beard), just by running a mini vehicle over it.
And, gross, but: Are you tired of people stealing your lunch... or your leftovers? Try storing food in these decidedly creepy lunch bugs sandwich bags!
Stranger Things indeed -- with these Stranger Things VHS tape... kitchen sponges. Because what better way to clean your dishes: Friends don't lie.
Don't these cat butt refrigerator magnets just scream Caturday? Hope that you had a good one!
Be sure also to follow the ongoing adventures of The Notorious Bad Kitty Lucy and friends, if you are a cat person. 🙂
And to round out our week of weird: Some people hang hunting trophies on their wall, while some go with... aliens. Here's an alien head and hands plaque, popping out of whatever surface you desire.
More fun Amazon finds here next week
Find another weekly Amazon Oddities roundup here next Sunday. If you can't wait, though: Head over to Facebook and start out your day with a new fun pick every morning (plus much, much more).
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