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Top Fifteen Weirdest Pumpkin Spice Products in 2017 (just for fun!)

Top Fifteen Weirdest Pumpkin Spice Products 2017!

Earlier today I ran across this news story titled (I kid you not) "Pumpkin spice scent prompts Baltimore school evacuation."

You just can't make this stuff up. No, it really happened!

Anyway, that story made me think about how many, let's say, unusual pumpkin spice scented, flavored, and otherwise adulterated products I've seen advertised lately. So I thought it might be fun round up the top fifteen weird pumpkin spice products I've spotted this year.

This is really just for fun, because we could all use some fun on this gray rainy day in Chicago, right? I hope you're as amused (if not as... horrified) by some of these as I was!

Top Fifteen Weirdest Pumpkin Spice Products 2017

You can shoehorn pumpkin spice scent and pumpkin spice flavor into anything, as this list of this year's strangest pumpkin spice things definitively proves. Is it just me, or has the pumpkin spice crazy gotten slightly out of hand?

In no particular order...

The 15 strangest pumpkin spice products

  1. To start things off, how about some Pumpkin Spice Latte deodorant? This limited edition scent features "subtle notes of pumpkin, cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove" -- and, apparently, "makes the perfect holiday gift." (And they're not the only ones to jump on the deodorant PSL train: Here's an organic limited time only Pumpkin Spice Deodorant, if you'd prefer.)
  2. Then, of course, you have your Pumpkin Spice Flavored Dog Chews. I don't think that dogs really care, having met a few dogs in my time...
  3. Oh but wait, there's more: Pumpkin. Spice. Latte. For... DOGS.
  4. And in a Willy-Wonka-ish twist, there's always Pumpkin Spice Delight Gourmet GumYou're turning violet, Violet!
  5. Pumpkin Spice Air Freshener with essential oils, but just don't use it at school...
  6. Adam's Pumpkin Spice Detail Spray. Because if your school can't smell like a PSL, maybe you should settle for your car?
  7. Pumpkin Spice Kale Chips. Because, why not?

  1. And here's a Lip Smacker Tsum Tsum Duo where you get both Peppermint Candy Corn and Pumpkin Spice Latte. Because, why?
  2. If your deodorant doesn't make you smell sufficiently pumpkin-y, there's always this Super Spook-tacular pumpkin spice bath bomb!
  3. Then, for your smelly cats and dogs, there's always Espree Pumpkin Spice Cologne for Pets. (I am not thinking that the cats would enjoy this...)
  4. Here of course is some Pumpkin Spice Stache Bomb Stache Wax Mustache Wax.
  5. Or how about this talc free Pumpkin Spice Dusting Powder?
  6. And as harder-core alternative to the more traditional PSL: Pinnacle Pumpkin Pie Flavored Vodka! (Or go 40 proof with this seasonal Pumpkin Spice Moonshine...)
  7. Pumpkin Spice Lasagna Noodles -- and they're no parboil, of course!
  8. Lastly, from the department of redundancy department, Trader Joe's Pumpkin Spiced Pumpkin Seeds.

I've never actually been a PSL fan...

Full disclosure: The PSL is not for me! So maybe, just maybe, I'll never understand. But even the pumpkin spice latte lovers among you have to admit that you need to draw the line somewhere. Right? 😉

Spotted any weird Pumpkin Spice Latte products?

If you spot any strange PSL things out in the wild this year, let me know if you can top any of these 15 weirdest pumpkin spice products! 🙂


Sunday 8th of October 2017

Last year I saw a sign at a JIffy Lube type place advertising 'Pumpkin Spice Oil Changes'. Obviously they were joking, but I think that will forever be my favorite!


Monday 9th of October 2017

That's good marketing -- it would make me stop and look!