If you're new here... one of the reasons I'm in DC for this conference is to sign my book: Point, Click, and Save: Mashup Mom's Guide to Saving and Making Money Online.
I don't spend a lot of time telling you about it here, because I know you're not here to be advertised to! But, indulge me every once in a while -- if you are new to this, if you have a friend who's new to this or who you want to get into couponing, if you want a reference to using online resources to make and save money, please think about picking up a copy. It's a labor of love, where I tried to include the info I wish I'd know when I got started.
Now, back to your regularly-scheduled blog! 🙂
Tuesday 22nd of March 2011
I have been reading ALOT of blogs since I started mine last year, but I hadn't heard of your's until just last week. A friend of mine on facebook told me about this book, and it sounded so interesting that I immediately placed a hold on it at my library. I'm almost done with it (2 chapters left in a week). It's all about things I've been doing myself for so many years, so I thought I would check out your blog too. It seemed to be the place for me. ;) The book has given me a lot more ideas of websites I hadn't heard of though, so thank you so much.
Tuesday 22nd of March 2011
You look great - something is definitely agreeing with you :)
Tuesday 22nd of March 2011
LOL -- thanks, everyone. I think it is the nice quiet hotel room that is agreeing with me! :) But I miss everyone, and it's enough -- will be back home tomorrow afternoon.
Tuesday 22nd of March 2011
Rachel you should brag more and Amazon has only 12 books left in stock! You go girl!
Tuesday 22nd of March 2011
What a great photo! You look awesome! I hope the book signing was a lot of fun :-)
Tuesday 22nd of March 2011
You look beautiful and happy! I know how rare it is for us moms to get away by ourselves (even if it is for work). As long as I'm not packing lunches, making dinner, or driving to baseball, it's a vacation to me! Enjoy yourself!