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Teeny Tiny Caturday -- She's Lucky She's Cute Edition

So you know how when babies are teething they just want to chew on anything and everything? It's the same way with kittens. Miss Bad Kitty Gnocchi is just about four months old now, and gnawing on everything in site. Case in point: I don't think these ear buds are ever going to work again...

She really is terribly lucky that she is cute!

(Yes, that's my new free grocery bag from the Mariano's grand opening, and yes, it does now have cat hair all over it because she also decided to sleep inside it. And hide inside it. And pounce out from inside it to attack people's ankles as they walked innocently by.)

In other cat-related news this week, Mr. 10 occasionally likes to take the Notorious BKL out for a little "walk" on the patio or in the back yard. The collar he was using wasn't really cutting it (cats are not that easy to walk...), giving him the idea that she needed a more secure cat harness. So, he duly saved up his own $6.00 and invested in a little soft mesh cat harness from Amazon.

I wouldn't say that Bad Kitty Lucy is exactly thrilled about wearing this, but she looks pretty good, don't you think?

Two days after spending all of his money on the cat harness, though, Mr. 10 found a $20 bill on the street. I kid you not! He's pretty proud of himself for this. (Me, I find pennies in parking lots but never a $20 bill -- this kid has some luck!)

And that's about it for our teeny tiny Caturday this week: Otherwise, our partners in crime here have just been hanging out together dreaming up new ways to cause trouble, while Jeremy is delighted that High School Guy came home for Labor Day weekend (as are we all 🙂 ). Jeremy did give High School Guy a loud piece of his mind, but now has settled back down -- although of course he doesn't realize that his boy will be leaving again soon, so we'll see how that goes!

Belinda Taylor

Saturday 2nd of September 2017

Rachael have you checked out the cartoon called Simon's Cat. Sometimes his cat reminds me of your household cats.


Saturday 2nd of September 2017

I love Simon's Cat! He has cats down pat, lol.


Saturday 2nd of September 2017

That $20 bill is Karma! What a sweet thoughtful young man to take extra care that BKL is safe and secure. Are there kitty teething rings for BKG? So glad that Jeremy was able to vent his distress and you are all together for the weekend. And the soap opera continues????


Saturday 2nd of September 2017

If there were kitty teething rings I'm sure they would be just like kitty scratching posts -- you can provide what you want, but they'll scratch (and chew) what they like, lol.