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Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Great American Novel edition

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: The Great American Novel edition. And Happy International Cat Day, by the way -- Why yes, it's so serendipitous that Cat Day falls on Caturday this year. So, yeah... I'm moving in less than two weeks and still in the throes of de-cluttering and downsizing, …

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Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Who Needs Toys edition

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Who Needs Toys edition. I know the above is a bit blurry, but you get the idea: I saw a 2-pack of cat toys at ALDI this week, and at just $2.49 I thought I'd pick them up for the three bad kitties. To be …

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