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Caturday with the Notorious BKL (and her posse: Little BKG + big old Jeremy)

How's your weekend going? It's just another Caturday over here in the Mashup Mom household... You know, all the usual stuff: Who best fits into the LEGO box, who knocked that plate off the counter and shattered it, and wait, why are there LEGOs all over the floor?! New kitten Gnocchi is also quite displeased …

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Oops, we did it again... Meow

So... um... this happened yesterday. Her name is Gnocchi. She's 9 weeks old, and she adores this stuffed chicken for some reason. The Notorious BKL is double-plus-unpleased... but Mr. 10 is in love. I'm not quite sure how I got suckered into this, but she's adorable -- and we're done now. 😉 Share this... Facebook Twitter Email Messenger …

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The Notorious BKL Dreams of Chickens... and more notes of summer

Hey, how's your summer going so far? Someone here is appreciating the sunbeams... and I guess that technically I don't know that the Notorious Bad Kitty Lucy dreams of chicken dinner, but it's what I imagine when I look at her sleepy little face. (And seriously: Wouldn't you wake up with the worst crick in your …

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Oh Deer! A week of critters, food, and video games

In looking back over my photos from the last week, I noticed that the overarching themes of our summer break here so far are clearly: Food, animals, and video games (oh my!). I guess we could do worse, right? Let's start with the critters... So the other day the chickens were yelling their fool heads off …

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