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Refined Sugar and Me Week 5 -- Getting Moving

Let’s check in on week five of refined sugar & me in 2017. This week I'm holding steady: Still a total of five pounds down from where I started, and still feeling better overall -- so after a tumultuous week, let's choose to call this a win.

Investing in my health in the new year

I'm not one to think you should spend a lot of money on a diet plan, and I'm not going to try and sell you supplements or wraps or shakes or anything else. But this week I did decide to invest a little bit in my own health, so as we enter this second month of the kicking the refined sugar habit plan I'm adding: Move around more. I spend too much time on the computer and too much time hibernating during our cloudy dreary winter, so hopefully these investments will provide some motivation and accountability.

First, the Fitbit Flex briefly went on sale for $40 on Amazon (out of stock now), so I decided it was finally time to take the plunge and grab one of those. It should show up Wednesday, and we'll call this my blog-iversary birthday present to myself. 😉

Then, I signed up for a new plus size yoga class starting next week. I've been wanting to start practicing yoga again because it did do wonders for my back and for my mood, and a month of limiting added sugar seems to finally have given me the energy to go back. My old yoga mat is really just falling apart, so Amazon also got my business there: My new bright pink yoga mat (to match my new bright pink Fitbit, lol) should be showing up later this week as well.

That's more than I usually spend on myself in a week, but I really do feel like getting moving for the first time in a long time. (So let's call that a win, too!)

So, that’s me this week

How are you doing on your own healthier eating plan so far — and what have you found that helps you stay on track?

Earlier installments:

Or, you can follow the whole Refined Sugar and Me series here.


Saturday 4th of February 2017

I keep a copy of the Healthy Eating Plate posted conspicuously in the kitchen to help keep me on track... :)

GiGi Eats

Tuesday 31st of January 2017

I have been living free of added sugar for 16 years and I do not miss it ONE LITTLE BIT! Nope!!! Soon enough you will get to that point :)


Monday 30th of January 2017

I didn't even know that plus size yoga existed. I once went to a regular yoga class I never went back.It was to intimidating.


Tuesday 31st of January 2017

SusanA, this makes me so sad to hear. Yoga truly is for every body and if a class was too intimidating for you, please give another class/teacher/studio a shot. There are so many benefits and it is something we can all do regardless of our weight, age, injuries, physical limitations, flexibility, strength, etc. A good teacher will help you modify to make anything they are doing work for you. Beginner classes are usually a safe bet, but most hatha classes are also open to all levels, as well as restorative classes (not as much exercise there but wonderful for many other reasons). But really, if you find the right teacher and environment, you should feel comfortable and welcome in any type of class. I tried every studio in my area before finding the one, but it was worth all of the time and energy to find a place like that!


Monday 30th of January 2017

I have had classes I enjoyed over the years that had people participating of all sizes and abilities, but they are harder to find and I have never before tried specifically plus size yoga. I have been looking around for a while, though, and studios that offer it will call it "plus size yoga" or "yoga for all sizes" if you want to take a look and see if anyone offers it by you -- and I'll let you guys know how it goes!


Monday 30th of January 2017

I got a Fitbit for Christmas and the logging water part of the ap had really kept me accountable. Its helped me consistently drink more than recommended every day and in turn, I'm less likely to grab unnecessary food when I'm bored! My excema had also cleared, I think, because my skin is hydrated! WIN!