So... um... this happened yesterday.
Her name is Gnocchi. She's 9 weeks old, and she adores this stuffed chicken for some reason. The Notorious BKL is double-plus-unpleased... but Mr. 10 is in love. I'm not quite sure how I got suckered into this, but she's adorable -- and we're done now. 😉
Kristy M
Thursday 13th of July 2017
The thing about cats is they multiply.
Tuesday 11th of July 2017
Wow! How adorable! I sure hope Lucy will learn to accept the little cutie.
Tuesday 11th of July 2017
She is adorable! How is the other cat taking to the new kitty?
Wednesday 12th of July 2017
He's pretty indifferent. He keeps walking up, sniffing her, and then walking away, lol.
Mary Singer
Monday 10th of July 2017
Very very cute! So what's the back story? Didn't BKL get her tubes tied? And who chose the name? Rachel's mom
Cheryl L.
Monday 10th of July 2017
She is SO cute!! Before long, the 2 cats will be best friends.