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A new home for Steve, a new egg for us


The other day I told you guys about our Steve-who-was-once-Stella, the rooster who could no longer live with us. Well, I'm happy to report that Steve has gone to live on a farm -- no, for reals, guys. Although a bit dusty here from a recent "bath," Steve's a beautiful Silver Laced Wynadotte, and the guy who picked him up yesterday is looking forward to seeing how he cross-breeds with his Golden Laced Wyandotte hen. So there ya go!


While we're on the subject of backyard chickens updates, I told you back in spring about MashupDad's baby chicks impulse buy at Big R. He picked up two Leghorns, which are appropriately named Foghorn and... Mrs. Cheepers.


Well, one of them just laid her first egg yesterday! The white one on the left is from the Leghorn, and the brown one on the right is from one of our original girls, Nuggets. There's something of a size difference, but Foghorn and Mrs. Cheepers are still pullets, so these might get bigger over time. (Incidentally, these two were something of their own posse vs. the other three with Stella/Steve as the leader, so we'll see how the pecking order settles out now that he is gone.)

More updates hopefully tomorrow

MashupDad is currently finishing up the long-promised update on backyard chickens in general, since he's the real genius behind this project -- so I'll hopefully be bringing you more on that tomorrow. 🙂