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Midweek Meal Planning 2/18/16


Welcome back to Midweek Meal Planning for the week of 2/18/16! It’s more traditional to meal plan on the weekend, but since our Chicago grocery deals mostly flip on Wednesdays and since midweek is when many of us start to run out of steam, we buck the trend here. In Midweek Meal Planning, we plan dinners for the rest of the week while also looking back to see how we’ve done so far.

Midweek meal planning


MashupDad has been out of town on a business trip all week, so it's just me and the kids here eating salsa chicken all week long... 😉

Here’s our week

  • Sunday: Pasta, garlic bread, fruit.
  • Monday: Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken (I added a can of drained black beans, since Mr. Low Carb wasn't here to complain & it's tastier that way...).
  • Tuesday: Leftover pasta, salad.
  • Wednesday: Junior High Guy had pizza at a school event & some fruit when he got home, while Mr. 9 and I had leftover salsa chicken.
  • Thursday: I'm going to try a chicken + potato dish I saw on Pinterest & will let you know how that turns out.
  • Friday: Go ahead and laugh, because: Yes, the last of the salsa chicken. (It goes a long way when MashupDad is gone...)
  • Saturday: Grilled salmon.

Your turn

How’s your week of meal planning going? Are you cooking mostly out of your pantry, or are you taking advantage of this week’s grocery sales? Let’s inspire each other!

And if you’re looking for additional inspiration, read all the Midweek Meal Planning posts and others’ comments here.


Friday 19th of February 2016

Sunday - went out for lunch with my DH & was alone for dinner, so I skipped it:) Monday - finished up some taco meat that I made on Friday. Tuesday - Crunchy Mexican casserole with chicken from Costco Wednesday - Meatloaf & mash potatoes, made a 2 pounder and it was gone! (4 college boys helped) Thursday - Yummy roasted cauliflower chowder. Found the recipe on Facebook. Friday - leftovers Saturday - Having our friends over with their 4 sweet kiddos so I'm making 2 baked fettuccine Alfredo (1 gf, 1 regular) with the rest of the Costco chicken...and some cheap chicken I still need to pick up from Butera

Cooking at my house is always so unusual, either there is hardly anyone for dinner or a crowd! Flexibility is the name of the game.


Friday 19th of February 2016

send me the cauliflower chowder recipe please


Thursday 18th of February 2016

Sunday we were on a college visit so ate out Monday we were still on a college visit so ate out (yuck) Tuesday made eggs, bacon spinach (cheap eggs and bacon from Jewel) Wednesday Mr 11 had a history project and made a Viking chicken dish and Asian slaw. Eh... (cheap chicken thighs Caputos) Thursday baked spaghetti with cheap Italian sausage from Jewel and cheap spinach from Aldi and almost free cheese Kraft cheese from long ago sale Friday leftovers Saturday grilling pub burgers with more Asian slaw and I have to make that Au Gratin cauliflower and ham. Have everything.


Thursday 18th of February 2016

Oh, let me know what you think of the gratin! lol on the viking chicken...


Thursday 18th of February 2016

We had spaghetti on Sunday night and with it I cooked up a pack of ground beef and italian sausage. Tuesday night, made a pork roast with rice and gravy. Wed. was soup with the pork roast. Thursday was tacos with the pork roast. Today using the rest of the ground beef and Italian sausage for lasagna. Had enough to make more lasagna, so made a small one for the freezer, too.

Maybe we'll grill tomorrow or Saturday? It's supposed to be nice :D