Well, I've been on the radio a few times now, but today you can listen to a podcast of this morning's interview on the Ron Ross show on WJBC, "The Voice of Central Illinois." And here's a lovely headshot so you can picture me talking! Ha! 😉 Share this... Facebook Twitter Email Messenger Reddit Pinterest
Friday 21st of May 2010
Really, Matt? ENJOY: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOqY-2DS0IU
Friday 21st of May 2010
Where can I find more information about making my own laundry detergent?
Friday 21st of May 2010
Beautiful picture, my friend!!!
Friday 21st of May 2010
You did great joba nd loved your story about free candy ....................
Friday 21st of May 2010
Fabulous show, great tips and good listening. Thank you for all the substance that you bake into everything you do!