So where am I, anyway? I'm attending the Internet Librarian conference in beautiful Monterey, California. This morning's keynote featured Vint Cerf, who was instrumental in developing the protocol that makes the internet possible and is currently chief internet evangelist at Google. Fascinating stuff! He told an amazing story about his wife, who was deaf from the age of three due to spinal meningitis until receiving a cochlear implant 50 years later. She called up the library to subscribe to recorded books to start listening to words she'd never heard pronounced before. They asked her if she was blind... and she said "No, I'm deaf!"
Anyway. Fortuitously, both my brothers live out here, so I came out a day early to spend a bit of time with them and visit with my niece and nephew, whom I only get to see once a year. And here they are... 🙂
We spent the day yesterday on Cannery Row and visiting the Monterey Bay aquarium, which is where I took the amazing jelly fish photo from earlier. Here's another that gives a better idea of the scale of these things. (Sorry for the slight fuzziness; this is from my iPhone.)
Anyway. I'm in the Marriott here, and can't for the life of me get Internet access from my room or from much of the conference. Taking a short break here from the mezzanine where I can get a signal, will try to blog briefly, but it is going to be a very quiet few days.
Friday 30th of October 2009
You _really_ love jellyfish.