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How to make copycat low carb FOLIOS cheese wraps

Let's explore how to make affordable copycat low carb FOLIOS cheese wraps -- using everyday ALDI ingredients! 🙂

What's up with FOLIOS cheese wraps, anyway?

folios cheese wraps at aldi

Calling all low carb and keto diet folks! This week ALDI had low carb FOLIOS cheese wraps on sale as a special buy, at a whopping $4.89 for just four of them. Yay for the keto folks, but boo for: Not available in all locations, crazy expensive for what they are, and most locations tend to sell out of these very quickly.

So, let me tell you about this great copycat low carb cheese wraps recipe I tried out, and how it worked out with ALDI Happy Farms deli-sliced cheese. Yes, it is possible to create your own pliable keto friendly cheese wraps without spending an absolute fortune.

Copycat Low Carb FOLIOS Cheese Wraps

parchment paper and cheese

Luckily for those of us who don't want to spend almost $5 on a little pack of cheese wraps, someone in the Almost All ALDI Facebook group came to the rescue by finding this copycat recipe for low carb FOLIOS cheese wraps! 

I'd been wondering how hard these would be to make at home, but hadn't yet worked out how to keep them pliable rather than turning them into homemade cheese crisps. Well, here you go... Rather than reinvent the wheel, I thought it would be fun to try out this copycat FOLIOS recipe myself, and let you know how they turned out.

cheese on parchment paper

Of course, I used a pack of ALDI's Happy Farms deli-sliced cheddar to make these homemade FOLIO wraps. Each low carb cheese wrap takes just two pieces of deli-sliced cheese (one left as a full square, and one torn into four roughly equal pieces to reinforce the edges) -- so, at 11 slices to a pack, that works out to 5 ½ wraps for just $1.99.

Now I'm no mathematician, but this seems just a little better than paying $4.89 for four: This works out to $.36 per wrap, rather than $1.22 per wrap. 🙂 You also end up with very nearly the same amount of cheese per wrap, since the original FOLIOS package is just 6 oz and the deli-sliced cheese is 8 oz.

All you need to make your own homemade cheese wraps is:

It's just. That. Easy.

How do you keep low carb cheese wraps pliable?

copycat folios cheese wraps

I'll refer you to the full step-by-step no carb cheese wraps recipe over at iSaveAtoZ for the full step-by-step directions on this, but basically:

  1. Microwave the cheese wraps in a folded sheet of parchment paper -- for less time than you'd think.
  2. Roll them out thin between the parchment paper right away, while they're still warm.
  3. Refrigerate them for a bit, rather than trying to use immediately.

One thing I did learn is that you need to be careful rolling your homemade cheese wraps out; try to do this as gently & as evenly as possible. If you get too carried away, you'll end up with holes in the wrap.

Once they have cooled, just peel them off the parchment paper and roll them carefully around whatever filling you'd like. So quick, so easy, and so much more affordable to make your own than to buy pre-made low carb cheese wraps!