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Holidays are over: Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends, the holidays are (alas) over edition!

white and gray cat with christmas present

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: The holidays are (sadly) over edition! I mean, just look how indispensable The Notorious Bad Kitty Lucy made herself during the whole gift wrapping process this year, biting the tape, jumping into gift bags, shredded tissue paper... the works, really.

The cats are all right

orange cat with toys

Never you fear, though: We didn't forget our furry friends during the holidays. No kitty left behind this year, as the cats enjoyed their very own stocking -- chock full of cat toys, cat treats, and canned food.

white and gray cat with toys

ALDI was selling a great 15-pack full of little cat toys for just $4.99, and I also watched the pet section of these cheap Amazon subscribe & save fillers over a couple of months for appropriate treats and toys. These tiny catnip mice in particular proved to be a HUGE hit with all of them, and are now scattered all over the house.

Do you buy holiday gifts for your own feline friends?

And to all a good night

two cats cuddled on  blankets

Gifts to people also inherently become gifts to cats: We celebrate both Christmas and Chanukah over here, and all of the cats have been spending a good bit of time curled up on the cozy Costco blankets each kid got for Chanukah.

black cat paw holding hands on a blanket

I mean: These Pendleton blankets that Costco carries every year around the holidays? These things are soft as a cloud, and a new favorite among children and animals alike.

Little boxes...

gray and white cat in amazon box

Although: When you're a cat, of course, the best part of any present is usually the box it comes in.

How’s your own Caturday?

burst pipes

No holiday is complete without some kind of drama, and ours consisted of burst pipes right before New Year's. Talk about going out with a bang, right? Hopefully that last gasp nonsense from 2022 doesn't presage things to come for 2023.

Anyway, the less said about that experience, the better. That’s us for now, so how’s your own Caturday (or cat-free week) progressing? Hopefully it's been less dramatic than ours, and, as always, be sure to tune in next time for the latest in our ongoing Caturday adventures with the Notorious BKL and Friends.


Wednesday 11th of January 2023

Rachel, I couldn't resist checking out your Caterday sagas........and wow you are so fortunate to have such a lovely xxxxxxxxxx (collective phrase for a bunch of?) such lovely feline friends. I think I counted 5 from the photos. The Wednesday before Christmas we had an unexpected phone call from our veterinarian. We were informed that a member of the public had brought in the deceased body of a young cat whose microchip when checked identified him as our little 8 month old "Kukie". He was killed on impact running across the road. In fact that was the 'pose' he was in, when my husband went to collect him. We have never experienced a cat suffering such a fate..........which is ironic given that we have moved up to Scotland following many years of residence in busy suburban London,(we lived in Ealing) UK. I can't look at video footage of him without becoming tearful. He was jet black all over and he had somehow dis-lodged his neck collar when he was found. He was such a sweetie but over confident and he loved going out. Thank you for the wonderful clever meal plans you share week after really is so helpful. I wish you and your clan incl felines a prosperous new year.


Monday 16th of January 2023

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Kukie. :( We do now have five cats -- we just merged households, so my three have joined my new husband's two.


Monday 9th of January 2023

I'm amazed! I've never seen a burst pipe, thank goodness! So sorry you were able to show me one that belonged to you. I still don't understand how ice could break metal like that, especially when cold is supposed to shrink stuff? Well, I hope you didn't have a huge amount of loss. Thanks for sending the pictures of those cute cats having Holiday fun. I always enjoy them. Happy New Year!


Tuesday 17th of January 2023

As the plumber explained this to me, think of it like an ice cube inside the pipe that's blocking the whole thing. As it thaws out and starts to melt so that there's a little wiggle room, the pressure from the water coming into the house behind that blockage can loosen the "ice cube" enough that it comes free and shoots through the pipe with enough force to blast itself through, which is why mine burst at the corner there.