How's your holiday weekend shaping up so far? MashupDad has the day off today, so we're all spending a rare family weekday together. We're just back from the Willowbrook Wildlife Center in Glen Ellyn (beautiful day for it, but watch out for the mosquitoes!) and are now watching Jurassic Park on DVD from the library before dinner and fireworks later. How about you?
Friday 3rd of July 2015
Grandson is here visiting from San Antoniio - we got a free Red box movie - McFarland USA - very good if you haven't already seen it.
Friday 3rd of July 2015
I bought all 3 movies from Walmart. Priced marched from for about $5 a piece and each movie had a $5 Fandango movie credit on it for Jurassic world.
Diana Lagunas
Friday 3rd of July 2015
Were you the one who checked out Jurassic Park from HPL this week? ;) Just kidding, there's apparently 7 holds on it right now so we're not the only ones with the same idea. Can you believe my husband's never seen it? Happy 4th! We're looking forward to a big family day tomorrow.
Friday 3rd of July 2015
LOL -- I've had it on hold for a while and it finally came in -- picked it up yesterday! I think everyone wants it right now because of the new one out in theaters.