Here's a bonus recipe that Junior High Guy and I cooked up this weekend. I ran across this "Fresh Strawberry Pie In a Chocolate Cookie Crust" recipe on Tessa the Domestic Diva, so we decided to give it a try -- and I thought I'd tell you about her recipe in case you also picked up some of the cheap strawberries earlier this week.
For our crust we used gluten free Joe-Joe's from Trader Joe's + coconut oil. Note that while the Joe-Joe's do not contain any dairy ingredients, they are processed on shared equipment and "may contain traces of" milk. If you have a more severe milk allergy than Junior High Guy, you may wish to choose a different and completely allergy safe brand. For our ganache, we used vanilla almond milk and Equal Exchange semi-sweet chocolate chips.
This was teeth-achingly sweet, lol. (The original recipe did call for dark chocolate chips, which we didn't have, but the Joe-Joe's crust was also super sweet.) I tried a bite and found it a bit overwhelming; Junior High Guy loved it and would have devoured the whole thing given a chance. Our Memorial Day BBQ guests also enjoyed it quite a bit. 🙂