Let me preface Game Developer Barbie here with a confession: I was never a girl who really enjoyed playing with Barbies. I had Barbie dolls of course, as a girl-growing-up-in-the-70s. I had Barbies, my brother had LEGOs... and I coveted his toys so. (I also had a white "French Provincial" desk that I put in the corner of my room, turned into a fort, and wrote all over the back of, much to the consternation of MashupGrandma, but I digress.) My poor Barbies spent time buried up to their necks in the sandbox waiting for me to turn on the hose... with their heads interchanged... storming the Fisher-Price castle... but not a lot of time actually being Barbies of the 70s with their pink Barbie houses and cars and fashion and whatever else Barbie was into back in the day.
But, they didn't have Game Developer Barbie back then! (Even after my Barbie doll days were long over, we were firmly in the territory of "mah is hard" Barbie.) So: How cool is she? She is even wearing sensible shoes -- and if you look at the customer images, she has regular shaped feet! lol
- Explore the world of game development with the Barbie game developer doll
- The career of the year, young techies can play out the creative fun of this exciting profession
- Industry-inspired fashion is casually cool with a graphic t-shirt, denim-like pants, green shirt jacket and white sneakers
- Red hair and matching glasses complete the look
- Includes a laptop, tablet and headset
If I had girls, I would buy Game Developer Barbie for them -- she's also pretty reasonably priced!