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Free ALDI Meal Plan week of 9/3/17 – 9/9/17

free aldi meal plan week of 9/3/17

Here’s your easy weekly ALDI meal plan for the week of 9/3/17: Pick up everything on the shopping list below, then start cooking on Sunday.

*** Subscribe to the weekly ALDI meal plans here ***

First, a note

I can’t proceed as normal just typing this meal plan without acknowledging the devastating impact of Hurricane Harvey this week, so wanted first to share that ALDI is donating $150,000 to the American Red Cross and the city of Rosenberg TX and has packed up 1000 disaster relief food boxes to distribute through Feeding America.

There are a number of ways you can help, too. A couple of ideas: Donate directly to Feeding America or Texas food banks here, or to the Texas Diaper Bank here.

Did you catch this one?

Back to cooking and meal planning: Here are my top fifteen favorite kitchen tools and gadgets for frugal family meals. Do you agree with this list? What would you change or add?

And back to this week’s ALDI meal plan…

Let’s get ready to make six complete dinners for a family of four, just $60.00 out the door! Hope you find the free ALDI meal plans useful.

ALDI meal planning week of 9/3/17 – 9/9/17

I’m assuming here that you already have pantry basics like cooking oil, condiments, and spices. *** Read through the recipes before you shop to make sure you have the necessary pantry staples on hand. 

Six Easy Dinners from ALDI for $60.00

ALDI meal plan — Start cooking 9/3/17

  • Sunday: Sheet pan Parmesan chicken thighs & green beans (use half the pack of thighs — freeze the rest and thaw later for Wednesday dinner. if you don’t want to keep an open pack in the fridge til then). On the side: Spring mix salad topped with strawberries & vinaigrette..
  • Monday: Labor Day BBQ! Grill up your pack of cheddar brats and serve them with smoky grilled corn with Parmesan butter (use one 4-pack), plus slice up your watermelon.
  • Tuesday: Slow cooker salsa pork tacos garnished with sliced avocado, shredded cheddar, chopped tomatoes, and lime wedges, plus watermelon and spring mix salad.
  • Wednesday: Skillet cilantro lime chicken (use the other half of  your chicken thighs), sliced and served over spring mix salad, with sliced cantaloupe on the side.
  • Thursday: Salsa pork naan pizza (top with chopped cilantro after baking, if desired; boil all four ears of corn but save two for Friday’s recipe). Serve with red grapes, plus slice up the rest of your tomatoes and top lightly w/ sea salt.
  • Friday: Salsa pulled pork soup. Top with shredded cheddar and serve with tortilla chips and grapes.
  • Saturday: Leftovers, family pizza night (ALDI sells a nice big take-and-bake deli pizza), eat out, or date night.

ALDI shopping list — Shop through 9/2/17

Dairy & refrigerated

5 oz Priano shredded Parmesan, $1.99
8 oz block cheddar, $1.79
8 oz Priano fresh mozzarella, $1.99


Specially Selected vinaigrette, $1.89
L’Oven Fresh hot dog buns, $.83
El Milagro corn tortillas, $.33
Casa Mamita organic chipotle-lime salsa, $2.19
Frontera salsa verde, $3.49
Specially Selected naan, $3.49
32 oz Chef’s Cupboard chicken broth, $1.19
Happy Harvest fire roasted diced tomatoes, $.79
SimplyNature organic black beans, $.89
Clancy’s restaurant style tortilla chips, $1.19


3 lbs boneless skinless chicken thighs, $5.07
Parkview cheddar brats, $1.99
6 lb pork butt roast, $8.94


1 lb green beans, $1.89
3 heads garlic, $1.19
16 oz SimplyNature organic spring mix, $3.79
1 lb strawberries, $1.39
Large seedless watermelon, $2.49
Cantaloupe, $1.19
2 lbs red grapes, $1.78
Two 4-packs corn on the cob, $2.58
Avocado, $1.29
16 oz Roma tomatoes, $.99
3 lb yellow onions, $1.99
1 lb limes, $1.29
Bunch cilantro, $.69

That comes to $60.60.

Or, maybe less… 🙂 These meals will likely run you even less if you supplement this week’s ALDI purchases with clearance meat you already have in your freezer, pantry staples you picked up on sale, produce you already have on hand, and/or sale produce from your local produce market. Let me know if you give it a try!

*** Download this week’s shopping list in Word format so that you can edit and add in your own meal ideas, remove items you already have on hand, change regional pricing to match your own store, etc. *** The day(s) next to each item show which meals use each ingredient, so that you can easily see what to delete from the shopping list if you’re skipping a night.

Things to know about the ALDI meal plans

A couple of notes

  1. I try not to repeat main dish recipes more often than once a month, but you will see favorite easy recipes come up again in these weekly ALDI meal plans as the same meats and produce items come up again on sale. Part of the fun of meal planning lies in mixing old stand-bys with something new each week.
  2. If one or more of these recipes isn’t to your taste, or if you have other ingredients to use, adapt the recipes in this ALDI meal plan to your family’s preferences — or just use the ideas here to supplement your own meal planning.

Ad markets and dates

This week’s ALDI meal plan reflects prices from the current week’s ad (running 8/27-9/2 in Sunday ad markets and 8/30-9/5 in Wednesday ad markets). Non-advertised prices were collected on 8/30/17 at my local store in the Chicago suburbs, but non-advertised prices and produce deals *may vary* by location & region. In either ad market, shop any time through Saturday and start cooking on Sunday 9/3/17.

Can’t get enough ALDI savings?

almost all aldi ebook

If you enjoy these ALDI meal plans and savings, you might also enjoy my eBook: Almost All ALDI: Shopping and Meal Planning Around Sales and Seasons.

Stay in the loop

Subscribe above to receive email messages about new ALDI meal plans — no spam, and I’ll never sell your info; just get email notifications about new plans!

Happy ALDI shopping and cooking this week, everyone!

Melissa M.

Thursday 7th of September 2017

I just discovered you from Pinterest and I love this week's menu plan because I never know what to do with pork! I look forward to checking in from week to week with you!


Wednesday 6th of September 2017

That's awesome!! I can't thank you enough for your willingness to share all of this information with us!


Wednesday 6th of September 2017

I was wondering what time that you usually post the new menu on Wednesdays? I just looked over the new Wednesday ad here in MD, and was wondering when I should check your website for the new menu should I wish to shop today? I am very excited to try this for the very first time. Thank you for all that you do to make life easier for us Moms!


Wednesday 6th of September 2017

:) you're quite welcome! They are generally up by early afternoon -- I head over in the morning and collect in store prices, then finish making everything add up and adjust as needed. You might want to subscribe to the emails, which will alert you shortly after the new plan is posted:


Tuesday 5th of September 2017

Thank you once again! Is Frontera salsa a store brand for you? You've put it on the list a few times but neither cashier at my store had ever heard of that brand and I couldn't find salsa verde/


Thursday 7th of September 2017

This was my question. I can't find this stuff anywhere.....what can I put in its place?? Any recommendations??


Tuesday 5th of September 2017

It's a national brand, but mine's had it for several months straight -- I didn't realize that it was something they only carried regionally, so sorry!


Monday 4th of September 2017


I'm new to meal planning, but definitely looking for an easier way to decide dinners every night while saving money if possible. Your meal plans look very helpful, I'm looking forward to trying them. I briefly scanned your site for a "how-to start" section, maybe I missed it (or maybe its implied lol). When do you release each weekly meal plan so I can plan my shopping days? Any extra tips or advice you can offer? Looking forward to trying, thank you for sharing!


Tuesday 5th of September 2017

Glad that the meal plans look useful -- I post a new one every Wednesday. ALDI ads run Sunday-Saturday in some markets, and Wed-Tues in others, so the overlap in advertised prices will be Wed-Sat.

I don't have a how to start post as of yet, but this might be helpful: