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Free ALDI Meal Plan week of 9/24/17 - 9/30/17

free aldi meal plan september 2017

Here’s your easy weekly ALDI meal plan for the week of 9/24/17: Pick up everything on the shopping list below, then start cooking on Sunday.

*** Subscribe to the weekly ALDI meal plans here ***

Who else bought award-winning Rose this week?

Wait, this isn't on this week's meal plan! Nor is it exactly the award-winning Rose, if you want to get technical -- But yes, I was seduced by advertising. See page four of this week's ad, and stay tuned for a review sometime after I crack this bottle open tonight! 😉

(Oh, and Miss Curious here is better known as the Notorious Bad Kitty Lucy, or BKL for short -- read more about her and her siblings in the weekly Caturday series.)

But back to this week's ALDI meal plan...

Let's get ready to make six complete dinners for a family of four, just $60.00 out the door! Hope you find the free ALDI meal plans useful.

ALDI meal planning week of 9/24/17 - 9/30/17

I’m assuming here that you already have pantry basics like cooking oil, condiments, and spices. *** Read through the recipes before you shop to make sure you have the necessary pantry staples on hand. 

Six Easy Dinners from ALDI for $60.00

ALDI meal plan -- Start cooking 9/24/17

  • Sunday: Apples & honey baked BBQ ribs (use Gala apples). On the side: Baked potatoes (either make earlier and reheat, bake in a toaster oven, or start in the microwave/finish in the oven, since the cooking temp will be higher for those), and grapes.
  • Monday: Roasted cauliflower, potato, & corn chowder. Serve with the baguette plus a simple side salad topped with tomato & hard boiled eggs (use half of the romaine, chop up a tomato, hard boil four eggs and slice).
  • Tuesday: Cheesy baked chicken & mushrooms served over farfalle (cooked to package directions), plus grapes and a couple of sliced apples.
  • Wednesday: Breakfast sausage egg muffins with simple skillet breakfast potatoes, salsa, and apples.
  • Thursday: Crunchy tortilla chicken fingers (double recipe) with salsa for dipping. On the side: Zucchini mozzarella medley.
  • Friday: Pepper and sausage penne pasta (use all 19 oz of the sausage & drain pan after browning, the last 4 oz of mozzarella, substitute crushed tomatoes since ALDI only carries whole seasonally, and use about 2 teaspoon dried basil for the fresh, to taste). On the side: Chopped salad with romaine, tomatoes, orange bell pepper, and cucumber.
  • Saturday: Leftovers, family pizza night (ALDI sells a nice big take-and-bake deli pizza), eat out, or date night.

ALDI shopping list -- Shop through 9/23/17

Dairy & refrigerated

Half gallon Friendly Farms milk, $1.55
8 oz block Happy Farms cheddar cheese, $1.79
16 oz Happy Farms preferred mozzarella, $3.29
Dozen Goldhen eggs, $.95


Burman's BBQ sauce, $.99
Happy Harvest canned corn, $.48
32 oz SimplyNature organic vegetable broth, $1.79
Can Chef's Cupboard chicken broth, $.49
Clancy's restaurant style tortilla chips, $1.29
16 oz Reggano penne pasta, $.79
16 oz Reggano farfalle (bowtie) pasta, $.79
28 oz can Happy Harvest crushed tomatoes, $.95
Specially Selected gourmet salad dressing, $1.89
Specially Selected baguette, $1.69
Specially Selected salsa, $1.99


4 lbs St. Louis pork spare ribs, $7.96
4 lbs boneless skinless chicken breast (NOTE: This sale runs only 5 days; see ad!), $6.76
Appleton Farms mild breakfast sausage roll, $1.99
19 oz Parkview Italian sausage, $2.69


3 lb Gala apples, $1.99
3 lb yellow onions, $1.99
One head of cauliflower, $2.49
10 lbs russet potatoes, $2.99
3 heads garlic, $1.09
Two 8 oz packs whole white mushrooms, $1.38
3 pack multi-colored peppers, $1.79
2 lbs green grapes, $1.78
24 oz tomatoes on the vine, $.99
Three pack romaine hearts, $1.89
One cucumber, $.59
20 oz zucchini, $.89

That comes to $59.98.

Or, maybe less... 🙂 These meals will likely run you even less if you supplement this week’s ALDI purchases with clearance meat you already have in your freezer, pantry staples you picked up on sale, produce you already have on hand, and/or sale produce from your local produce market. Let me know if you give it a try!

*** Download this week's shopping list in Word format so that you can edit and add in your own meal ideas, remove items you already have on hand, change regional pricing to match your own store, etc. *** The day(s) next to each item show which meals use each ingredient, so that you can easily see what to delete from the shopping list if you're skipping a night.

Things to know about the ALDI meal plans

A couple of notes

  1. I try not to repeat main dish recipes more often than once a month, but you will see favorite easy recipes come up again in these weekly ALDI meal plans as the same meats and produce items come up again on sale. Part of the fun of meal planning lies in mixing old stand-bys with something new each week.
  2. If one or more of these recipes isn't to your taste, or if you have other ingredients to use, adapt the recipes in this ALDI meal plan to your family’s preferences -- or just use the ideas here to supplement your own meal planning.

Ad markets and dates

This week's ALDI meal plan reflects prices from the current week’s ad (running 9/17-9/23 in Sunday ad markets and 9/20-9/26 in Wednesday ad markets). Non-advertised prices were collected on 9/20/17 at my local store in the Chicago suburbs, but non-advertised prices and produce deals *may vary* by location & region. In either ad market, shop any time through Saturday and start cooking on Sunday 9/24/17.

Can't get enough ALDI savings?

almost all aldi ebook

If you enjoy these ALDI meal plans and savings, you might also enjoy my eBook: Almost All ALDI: Shopping and Meal Planning Around Sales and Seasons.

Stay in the loop

Subscribe above to receive email messages about new ALDI meal plans -- no spam, and I'll never sell your info; just get email notifications about new plans!

Happy ALDI shopping and cooking this week, everyone!


Monday 25th of September 2017

Made the spare ribs tonight! They look AWESOME! And were so easy to make! I wish I could post a picture they look so awesome


Monday 25th of September 2017

That's great! So glad they turned out well. :)


Monday 25th of September 2017

Thank you for these meal plans! I shared them in my Aldi Review group! I am absolutely the worst at meal planning and haven't found one that I thought everyone in my family would eat, until now!! Thank you, thank you!!!


Monday 25th of September 2017

Awesome! Hope your family enjoys. :)


Sunday 24th of September 2017

You can also use a crock pot or slow cooker for baked potatoes!


Sunday 24th of September 2017

True! I prefer the crispier skin on oven baked so generally don't, but that's a super easy way to do it. Or the Instant Pot, if you have one. :)


Friday 22nd of September 2017

Thanks, guys! I'm so glad that the meal plans have been useful. :)


Wednesday 20th of September 2017

I'm so happy I came across your blog. You are literally helping me out so much. Thank you !