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Free ALDI Meal Plan Every Week: Sign up for ALDI Meal Plans!

Free ALDI Meal Plan every week -- Six dinners for four, $65 out the door

Are you tired of the age old question: What's for dinner? Find answers here, with absolutely free ALDI meal plans, every single week.

Weekly ALDI Meal Plans

Get ready each week to make six complete dinners for a family of four, just $65.00 out the door! Each week's ALDI meal plan works off of current advertised and in-store prices, making these your go-to resource around both ALDI sales and their everyday low prices.

These meal plans will likely run you even less if you supplement your ALDI purchases with clearance meat you already have in your freezer, pantry staples you picked up on sale, produce you already have on hand, and/or sale produce from your local produce market.

Sign up for free ALDI Meal Plans

Sign up here to receive a free email notification when the new ALDI meal plan is posted each week.

Or, just enter your address above and subscribe to receive email messages about the weekly ALDI meal plans -- no spam, and I'll never sell your info; just get email notifications about the ALDI meal plan this week.

What do you get with these free ALDI meal plans?

Every week, you'll find:

  • A meal plan for six complete dinners for four, including both main dishes and sides.
  • An ALDI shopping list -- with prices!
  • An easy-print version in Word format that you can edit as needed.

If one or more of the weekly recipes isn't to your taste or if you have other ingredients to use, just adapt the recipes in these ALDI meal plans to your family’s preferences or use the ideas here to supplement your own meal planning.

See for yourself

Browse all of the weekly ALDI meal plans here *** note: prices may have changed since originally posted.

Happy ALDI shopping and cooking, everyone!