While I was visiting Washington, I also visited a couple of grocery stores with my Mom. They have some different stuff there! Even stepping into Albertons was like a parallel universe to Jewel, lol.
We don't, for instance, have UMPQUA ice cream in Illinois. (It's pretty good, by the way!)
And this sign just struck me as funny. Yes, we have warm pop! As if that's a marketing plus...
This, for those of you who might be in or around Spokane, WA, I spotted at the Dollar Tree on 29th. It would never occur to me to look for flaxseed there! But, it's just a buck 😉
Am I weird, or do you guys like looking around at different stores and brands when you travel, too?
Sunday 8th of July 2012
Hubby and I always include a grocery store trip in our journeys to other states and other countries. One item we like to look at is the different flavors of potato chips. Everywhere seems to have a regional favorite. I shopped at an Aldi's in Germany. They carry many more non-food items than they do over here. They also have a travel agency. Was fun to see.
Sunday 8th of July 2012
It's fun to do that when you're at the grocery store in Canada.