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Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Who Needs Toys edition

cat chewing up a toy

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Who Needs Toys edition. I know the above is a bit blurry, but you get the idea: I saw a 2-pack of cat toys at ALDI this week, and at just $2.49 I thought I'd pick them up for the three bad kitties.

brown cat with a toy

To be clear, two out of the three cats definitely appreciated the gesture. (Jeremy doesn't often play, so just sniffed them and walked away...) But, with both of these toys in shreds a mere two hours later, I'm not sure that these were really the best investment.

cat peeking out of a bin

Nor am I sure why I even bother to buy cat toys to begin with. I mean... These three clearly receive just as much enjoyment from common household items.

cat in a cuties clementines box

We could really learn a lot from the three bad kitties about the simple pleasures in life, about making the most of what we already have, and about making every moment count.

brown at in a laundry hamper

I mean: Does this laundry hamper spark joy? Heck yeah it does. (Plus, it's also super handy for hauling laundry around when the cats aren't using it...)

lazy cat on a couch

And you can't beat an old couch that now sports a permanent divot in the shape of a lazy cat...

How’s your Caturday going?

boy in a tree

How is your own cat-filled (or cat free) week going? Over here, we're watching these three, and working on also learning to enjoy the simple things in life.

I hope all of you are having a happy, healthy, and safe holiday today! Be sure to tune in next time for the latest installment in the exciting ongoing Caturday adventures of the Notorious BKL and Friends.