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Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: We Moved! edition

Bad Kitty Lucy on a box

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: We Moved! edition. (More pix of the new house will be forthcoming once I get a better handle on the the moving chaos, too.)

But let me just tell you this: The cats’ reaction to last week’s move perfectly encapsulated their three very different personalities.

  • The Notorious Bad Kitty Lucy (BKL): Instantly out, about, exploring, and happy. She’s also, by the way, the one who discovered the busted screen on the new sun porch and had to be rescued from the ledge outside the house. Seems about right!
  • The Notorious Bad Kitty Gnocchi (BKG): Stayed down in the basement for a day, but was out, about, and exploring all over down there within an hour or so.
  • Poor Old Jeremy: Hid behind the washing machine for three days, and I had to coax him out even to eat. He’s still somewhat suspicious of the whole situation, and I’ve seen much less of him than usual.

All three of them, however, conspired together to howl in the car all the way over here. 🙂

Moving boxes are a cat’s paradise

cat's head poking out of a box

The cats’ moving jitters, however, have been slightly assuaged by the plethora of boxes. I mean, what cat doesn’t love a good box? Boxes, boxes, everywhere… and BKL has been testing out each one as soon as I empty it.

gray and white cat sleeping on a box

You know. When I’m fast enough for her. Sometimes she just gives up and stakes her claim to the top of the box, instead. (I’m unpacking as fast as I can, BKL!)

cat supervised unpacking

Meanwhile, College’s Guy’s bedroom has become kind of the catch-all home for unpacking and organizing (since he’s in a dorm and not using it right now…). As for Gnocchi, she’s just supervising the process.

kitty lucy supervises unpacking

Although BKL is pretty sure that supervising the unpacking (as well as everything else) is her job.

I get by with a little help from my friends…

baby yoda echo dot holder

Moving is never fun. Moving alone, doubly not fun — I don’t know what I would have done without my friends, who variously helped me move carloads of last minute miscellany, helped me organize, brought me manicotti, passed on their old snowblower, and gave me the coolest housewarming gift…

Yes. It’s a Baby Yoda stand for my Echo Dot! Pictured here with my existing aloe plant from ALDI, and teeny tiny The Child from the Star Wars The Black series.

How’s your Caturday going?

chicken soup and toast

How is your own cat-filled (or cat free) week going? I’m just so happy finally to have my new kitchen in a semi-usable state, so one of the first things I made was a big comforting pot of chicken soup. Simple soup and toast was just perfect after too much carryout and a stressful week of moving and unpacking — What’s your go-to comfort food for these sorts of occasions?

Not sure yet if I’ll be able to get a new recipe done this week, but am looking forward to bringing you so many new creations from my new little kitchen and cheerful sunny dining room!

But back to the cats, right? Be sure to tune in next time for the latest in the exciting ongoing Caturday adventures of the Notorious BKL and Friends…


Tuesday 22nd of September 2020

Great job moving and still putting together Mashup Mom!!!!


Wednesday 23rd of September 2020

Thanks! If you've noticed fewer recipes over the past couple of months, it's due to the packing/moving/unpacking process, but I'm getting back on track here. Slowly, but surely. :)


Tuesday 1st of September 2020

Congratulations on a successful move. As a next step, try to catch your breath and take your time unpacking. It will be there when you are ready.


Monday 31st of August 2020

It's nice to know you are on the recovery side of moving. As if this pandemic wasn't enough stress, you moved. Yikes! That red is stunning as a background for BKL! I hope the rest of your relocation goes smooth.