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Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Selfie Edition

bad selfie cat face

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Selfie Edition. So, you know how all three of our cats are normally quite lovely and photogenic? Well, we do all have our less flattering angles. As proof, here's Bad Kitty Lucy demonstrating one of the world's worst selfies -- complete with Gnocchi photobombing in the background.

cat climbing up screen door

Speaking of Gnocchi... yeah, OK, she's still cute, even from this less photogenic angle. I think this is a planned strategy on her part, because see how the claw on her right foot is delicately extended and poised to rip yet another tiny hole in my screen door? Grr, cats... she's very, very lucky she is adorable.

cat in trivial pursuit box

And as rare as this is, Jeremy proves to be the most photogenic member of the bad kitty bunch this week. While the other two are posers, he's mostly just... Jeremy! And yes, Mr. 11 and I were actually playing the original 1980-something edition of Trivial Pursuit this week when Jeremy claimed the box -- and it proved unexpectedly entertaining, and kind of amazing as to how many of the original right answers are actually no longer valid.

They've apparently updated questions in the Trivial Pursuit "classic edition," so I'm debating whether updating our set would make it more, or less entertaining?

So, how’s your Caturweek (or cat-free week) going?

selfie of me and Mr. 11

Yes, it's a short one this week -- but since that’s about it for this week’s Caturday, I'll leave you with an actual selfie I took when Mr. 11 and I were enjoying a rare perfect spring day earlier this week! Be sure to tune in next week for an all-new episode of the exciting adventures of the Notorious BKL and Friends. So since that’s us for the week: How’s your own Caturweek (or cat-free week) going?


Monday 30th of April 2018

My sister puts a pretty large piece of acrylic of plexi along the bottom of the screen when the patio door is open, so the cats won't scratch out the screen. It's pretty effective. You still get air through the top 2/3rds of the open door. Of course, sometimes the cats manage to push it to the side, because, you know, cats. :)


Sunday 29th of April 2018

They are gorgeous.