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Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Relax! Edition

Welcome back to Caturday with The Notorious BKL and Friends: Relax! Edition. So... you know how you usually do laundry to... I dunno... maybe get the cat hair OFF of your black shirt? Which may or may not have been folded nicely into a basket full of clean clothes just before someone kneaded it all about with her tiny paws in order to make a more comfortable bed for herself?

No? Maybe it's just me, then.

But they're cute when they're sleeping, aren't they? Otherwise it's pretty much a three ring circus over  here. Literally. I'm not sure that this is behavior I should be encouraging?

While Bad Kitty Gnocchi will play circus all day, though, she is somewhat resistant to Middle School Guy's efforts to make her dress the part. She was definitely having none of this headband...

... Until she vanquished it, that is.

While Jeremy is disinterested both in the circus extravaganza and in having her this close to him. Ever!

So, how's your Caturweek (or cat-free week) going?

What have you guys been up to this week? Here's one of the highlights of ours: Yesterday after picking High School Guy up from IMSA, we waited out rush hour traffic with tacos. This turned out to be an excellent decision both traffic- and taste-wise, so I think it's going to be our new Friday evening tradition on the weeks I drive him home.

But anyway, that’s about it for this week’s Caturday. So since that’s us for now, I’ll leave you with the usual question: How’s your own Caturweek (or cat-free week) going? And be sure to tune in for the next episode in the exciting ongoing adventures of the Notorious BKL and Friends!


Sunday 23rd of September 2018

Living with pets is great for kids, particularly boys. They tend to be more mature because they've learned how to take care of something besides their own needs.

And, as always, your cats are beautiful!


Saturday 22nd of September 2018

Thank you. Your pictures make my saturday so much nicer.