Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL & Friends: My Cat is my Coworker edition!

Welcome to an atypical Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: My cat is my coworker edition. As for my coworker? Well, she just decided to lie down on the table, right where I was about to place my food, and now is just staring at me.
My coworker makes Caturday interesting

During our current shelter-in-place existence, I'm finding some amusement in following along with some of the various "my coworker" threads on Facebook. Here's how to play:
- While working (schooling, existing) at home, post something your pet (or child) has done recently -- but refer to them as "my coworker."
My coworker has no sense of personal boundaries. She just walked in front of my computer monitor, sat down, and started licking herself indelicately.
My coworker just looked straight at me, then without blinking, randomly reached out her arm and knocked my pencil onto the floor.
My coworker just chased my other coworker around my desk three times, then they started hissing and growling at each other.
My coworker just tried to lick my lunch.
My coworker will NOT stop chewing on plastic!
Your turn: Comment below with something YOUR "coworker" has done today! Let's play. 🙂
What are my coworkers up to? Well...

My coworkers are diligently preserving our personal safety by keeping our work space squirrel free.

My coworker has been stocking up on food for the office. She's not keen on sharing, though.

My coworkers are pretty unclear about the concept of social distancing.

My coworker is literally climbing the walls.

My coworker is claiming every package that comes into the building... whether or not it is actually addressed to her.

My coworker is busily learning new skills to help keep everyone in the office entertained.

My coworker is just slacking off and reading comics at her desk again.
So, how are you settling into our temporary new normal?

None of the above is meant to make light of the current crisis, but I think that sometimes we all need a break from the news. If you don't feel like playing along yourself, I do hope that seeing some cute kitty photos helped brighten your day, even a bit.
And, be sure to tune in next time for the latest installment in the exciting ongoing Caturday adventures of the Notorious BKL and Friends.
Sunday 29th of March 2020
Thank you for the laughs and smiles
Sunday 22nd of March 2020
Ahhhh...laughing so hard! Thanks again. This is just what I needed. The other day I thought "My hair keeps touching my face. Stop touching my face, hair!" It made me laugh a little, even though I was kinda worried.
But this is more fun with kitty coworkers.
Sunday 22nd of March 2020
Thanks again for a Caturday update. It always makes my day. I also thank you for all you do to help us bargain shop and cook, and tips on everyday life.