Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends! Little Notorious Bad Kitten Gnocchi has lately mastered the art of climbing the ladder into Mr. 10's loft bed, and she has already fallen through the bars once. In case you were wondering, no, they don't always land on their feet...
I Will Make You Love Me
But here's the thing about kittens. Since the Notorious BKL has always been Mr. 10's cat, Miss Kitten Britches is bound and determined to take over her place in his life and in his heart. Because kittens: They need all the love. When she's not busy sneaking up the ladder to visit Mr. 10, she's sneaking up on poor Jeremy and snuggling up to him while he's sleeping. Above: His typical expression when he wakes up and notices her. Let's just say that he's not a fan...
Miss BKG's other fun hobbies currently include winding around the ankles of friends who are allergic to cats, trying to sneak on the counter while people are cooking, and eating houseplants.
She gets a lot of this behavior from BKL, who still has a thing for houseplants and people food but otherwise has mellowed out quiet a bit now that she's approaching two years old. And by the way, never fear, BKL. You'll always be Mr. 10's girl!

It's equally true that Jeremy will always be High School Guy's guy. High School Guy's fall orchestra concert was last night, and afterwards he came home from IMSA for the weekend. I'm pretty sure Jeremy hasn't let him out of his sight once (other than when we hit up the library and Goodwill), and yes, he does enjoy being carried around like this. He's an odd one, for a cat. 😉
We got a pair of jeans at Goodwill for Mr. growing-like-a-weed High School Guy, and got a great kids' cookbook out of the library for Mr. 10 -- who then proceeded to make these "fancy French breakfast treats." It's hard to tell from this photo, but they're kind of like little donut muffins -- and he was justly quite proud of his efforts here.
How’s your own Caturweek (or Cat-Free week) going?
That’s about it for this week’s Caturday, so let me know how your week was!
Sunday 29th of October 2017
BKG is adorable. I love how she has not given up on attempting to become friends with Jeremy.