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Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: I clearly can't get up edition

cat lying on me

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: I clearly can't get up edition. Just a short Caturday this week as we continue the craziness of these first couple of back-to-school weeks, but: One thing about cats, is that they are little opportunists. Like, let's say you are on the floor retrieving something from under the bed, but intending to get right back up again. This is of course the moment they choose to channel the most loving, most affectionate, most all-over-you version of themselves.

If, on the other hand, you are cozy on the couch and want nothing more than a purring cat on your lap? That is of course the moment they choose to walk away, turn their back on you, and commence bathing themselves ostentatiously.

I'm pretty sure this is not just my cats, right?

gray cat yawning on a cat tree

There's something to be said for living life on your terms like this, though. There's an awful lot we could learn from cats, especially when it comes to relaxation. The Notorious Bad Kitty Gnocchi is still queen of the cat tree, and naps on her little pedestal at the top most of the day -- while the other two barely come near it any more. They've learned.

cat supervising the cutting of a watermelon

It's not all fun and games and naps, though. As always: The Notorious Bad Kitty Lucy in particular takes her supervisory role quite seriously. Although I think that here she was expecting something a little more interesting to cat-kind than watermelon. (Middle School Guy is going to be very sad when watermelon season is over. He's been going through one a week nearly single-handedly over here!)

This watermelon bowl with insert, by the way, has been the best thing. It keeps the pieces from sitting in their own juices so that they last a lot longer. ALDI had similar containers in their ad recently, so check to see if yours still has them in stock -- or you can use something like this one for your own leftover watermelon.

So, how's YOUR Caturweek (or cat-free week) going?

gray cat sleeping on a cat tree

While the cats have been resting and supervising, the rest of us have just been running around in circles all week! I hope, though, that you are inspired by sleepy BKG to have a relaxing and restful weekend.

And since that’s us for now, I’ll leave you with the usual question: How’s your own Caturweek (or cat-free week) going? And.. be sure to tune in next time for the latest installment in the exciting ongoing Caturday adventures of the Notorious BKL and Friends


Tuesday 27th of August 2019

We love our kitty, Alfie. Every morning, he sits by my daughter's backpack, fully expecting to go to school with her, and if she could get away with it, she would take him. However, we must all be satisfied with the little pieces of cat hair he sends along with us to remind us not to forget him throughout the!


Sunday 25th of August 2019

The 1st picture is great! You look like you are 20 years old! I think I will do all of my future pictures lying down. Where are you getting decent watermelon? We love them, and the last one was OK, but, we haven't had a really good melon at all this year. We usually go through 2 a week. This year, not so much.


Sunday 25th of August 2019

LOL thanks! I think I will do all my future pictures lying down as well.

The last couple good watermelon we picked up at ALDI -- I have had terrible luck with the Jewel ones this year.