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Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Hey, pumpkin! edition

gray cat with a halloween pumpkin

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Hey, pumpkin! edition. Riddle me this: What goes together better than cats and Halloween? Answer: Nothing, really -- And the three bad kitties are really coming into their own now that it's fall, AKA the season that gives them the opportunity both to curl up in a sunbeam and to curl up on a cozy blanket, all in one.

white and gray cat with a pumpkin

They also somehow know how gorgeous they look in fall colors, whether it comes to posing with a cheap ALDI pumpkin, or with one of the clearance light up pumpkins that Middle School Buy pulls out of storage every year. There's something comforting about these types of seasonal rituals and repetition, right?

white and gray cat sitting on a keurig

Meanwhile, The Notorious Bad Kitty Lucy continues to display an alarming lack of concern for her own personal safety in the kitchen. Whether she's sitting on a Keurig (while Middle School Guy enjoys his favorite fall snack of apples & caramel dip)...

white and gray cat standing on a stove top

Or, you know, just hanging out on the stove. It's a good thing cats have nine lives, I guess?

empty container of caramel dip

Speaking of caramel dip, do your kids do things like this too? I found this container sitting just like this closed up nicely in the refrigerator... to go along with the one square of toilet paper left on the roll, and the one cracker left at the bottom of the box. What is that?! 

So, how’s YOUR Caturweek (or cat-free week) going?

me and my high school kid sitting at a football game

That's about it on the three bad kitties front for now, but it's been the normal whirlwind of crazy over here. Is it just me, or is every season lately just another repetition of "it will slow down when...?" Yesterday High School Guy and I filled out the FAFSA. Yes. THE FAFSA, as he's currently applying to college -- I have no idea how this happened, speaking of not slowing down.

Then, we froze ourselves on the bleachers for a while while watching his brother's middle school band perform at the local high school football game last night. I was not actually expecting to have to pull our winter coats out this early, but that's Chicago for you. I think the three bad kitties have the right idea staying inside...

Anyway! I’ll leave you with the usual question: How’s your own Caturweek (or cat-free week) going? And.. be sure to tune in next time for the latest installment in the exciting ongoing Caturday adventures of the Notorious BKL and Friends.


Saturday 12th of October 2019

So nice to see the cat antics. They look lovely with pumpkin orange! I think Mom's are the only ones that notice there is no more food in the container. Also, we are the only ones able to lift the lid on the garbage can or the hamper on a consistent basis.