Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Diva edition. I mean. This theme should be self-explanatory, because: Cats. But, could Bad Kitty Lucy be any more diva-ish here?
And yes, she is posing on a burrito blanket. Middle School Guy purchased it for himself a couple weeks back with an Amazon gift card he got for Chanukah, because I guess blankets shaped like food are now the thing in junior high.

Then again, we really do have a house full of cozy blankets -- you need them on hand everywhere, during Chicago winters. BKL sometimes takes advantage of this with this whole "princess and the pea" impression she has going, because some days you need a lot of layers between you and the cruel, cold world.

Bad Kitty Gnocchi, though, figures she'll just pull an E.T. I don't even know how she wiggled her way in there!
In addition to the burrito blanket fun, I picked up new super soft plush blankets for myself and the boys at Costco over the holidays last month. All three cats, however, are pretty sure that these were meant as a personal gift for them.

So, wherever this plush gray blanket goes, The Notorious BKL is sure to follow. Even if it means cuddling up with lazy old Jeremy here. (And yes, my house is indeed decorated in cats and books...)

Never fear, though: The three bad kitties hierarchy holds. She was sure first to assert her dominance over Jeremy, before moving on to the cuddly part.
How's your Caturday going?

How is your own cat-filled (or cat free) week going? I hope that you're keeping as warm and cozy this winter as the three bad kitties; use them as your inspiration. Be sure to tune in next time for the latest in the exciting ongoing Caturday adventures of the Notorious BKL and Friends!
Saturday 23rd of January 2021
I can't imagine anything better than a house decorated with cats and books.
Saturday 23rd of January 2021
Again your cats make me laugh until I cry. They are so expressive and beautiful. The look on Jeremy's face is priceless in both pictures. BKL always looks to me like she is totally in charge and knows it. BKG seems have the perfect spot all by her self. Made my day! Thank you.