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Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Can't see me edition

Camouflage kitties? They only think they're sneaky... Happy Caturday!

bad kitty lucy white cat on white blanket

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Can't see me edition. Bad Kitty Lucy has lately developed a fondness for napping on this plushest of plush blankets -- but, only on its white underbelly. I think she thinks she can't be seen...!? She does kind of blend in nicely, I must say.

white cat in an intel inside box

When the Notorious BKL is not lazing about on blankets, though, she may be spotted popping up out of boxes. So: Intel inside? or... Contains Bad Kitties?

white and gray cat in a banana box

Bad Kitty Lucy may also occasionally be found proudly captaining her banana (box) boat. Costco boxes make some of the best cat toys, everyone knows.

white cat at a table wanting a sandwich

Then again, BKL sometimes only thinks she's stealthy. For instance, while waiting for College Guy to turn away from the sandwich he's in the process of making, just for a second...

This kind of looks like it needs to be made into a meme, doesn't it?

baby yoda and steam punk R2D2

And on this cats are not quite as stealthy as they think note, Bad Kitty Gnocchi has decided that my new 3D printed baby Yoda (who was the best gift!) is the perfect cat toy. She keeps batting him over when she thinks I'm not looking, but had better watch out: Use the Force, Child.

gray cat Gnocchi with R2D2 pillow

Maybe BKG just isn't a Star Wars fan? She occasionally gives me some grief about my R2D2 pillow, too.

(Where are the R2s from? Well, little steampunk R2 is a Cantina Customz creation, and the pillow is from Target. (NLA, but they carry a rotating variety of Star Wars pillows.)

How's your Caturday going?

bad kitty lucy on a sunny table

How is your own cat-filled (or cat free) week going? I'm encouraged by the fact that we've actually seen sun here this past week... and the bad kitties, of course, have been loving it.

Be sure to tune in next time for the latest in the exciting ongoing Caturday adventures of the Notorious BKL and Friends.