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Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Almost May Snow Day Caturday Edition

almost may snow day caturday

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends: Almost May Snow Day Caturday Edition. Why yes. It is snowing on April 27, and I'm just about as perturbed about this as the Notorious Bad Kitty Lucy. That's just not right!

We also had to pop by the grocery store earlier today, because High School Guy is making a recipe for his Spanish class. I wouldn't recommend this on a weekend in the snow -- even though everything is going to melt again tomorrow, people were lined up like they were shopping for a never-ending "Winter Is Coming" GoT type snowpocalypse. Crazy.

cat on the cupboards

Although, I guess no crazier than having the feeling you're being watched in your own kitchen but not being quite sure where it's coming from...

cat in a tunnel

Speaking of stores, Middle School Guy continues to spoil his cat. This time he chose to spend some of his hard-earned money on a "cat tunnel" from Target. He was displeased that it was smaller and "not as cool" as it appeared on the box, so we had (yet another) little talk about truth in advertising, but at least BKL appears to approve. Plus, doesn't her new cat tunnel really bring out her eyes? 🙂

big cat does not fit in tunnel

This cat tunnel is so small, in fact, that poor Jeremy can't quite fit himself all the way in there. It's kind of hard to be a big galoot of a cat sometimes...

cat in an aldi house

As investments in the cats go, though, BKL has definitely gotten our money's worth out of this year's Christmas clearance cat house from ALDI.  It has been going strong since January! Definitely worth checking out when they roll around in stores next year, if you spot them then.

So, how’s your Caturweek (or cat-free week) going?

cats in a sliding glass door

What have you been up to this week? Yes, this is the very same doorway from the top of this post, but from earlier this week when I had it open because the temperature was in the 70s! BKL keeps getting herself trapped between the screen and the sliding glass door, then Bad Kitty Gnocchi likes to tree her in there. Never ceases to amuse...

And since that’s us for now, I’ll leave you with the usual question: How’s your own Caturweek (or cat-free week) going? And.. be sure to tune in next time for the latest installment in the exciting ongoing Caturday adventures of the Notorious BKL and Friends!


Friday 3rd of May 2019

As always, your cats are fabulous.


Monday 29th of April 2019

Yes! Our cat used to do that as well (when she was smaller) It helps that the screen gives a tad bit too! She reminds me of our Cali and how she'd do the cutest things. I get a kick out of all of your cats, especially BKL here!


Sunday 28th of April 2019

I wondered why BKL was outside! How on earth does she fit between the door and screen? Amazing!


Sunday 28th of April 2019

LOL -- it's hard to see from the photo but she's slightly flattened out. Cats can squeeze themselves into the most interesting places!


Sunday 28th of April 2019

We've had one of the Aldi cat houses for over a year, and it's still going strong! She LOVES it! And you can buy replacement cardboard floors. I also bought another one this past Christmas just to have on hand.

Julie Baker

Sunday 28th of April 2019

I will have to agree with you about Saturday was crazy! It's no fun trying to load a bunch of groceries in the trunk of the car when it is raining. Had thoughts of cheating on Aldi's and going to Hy-Vee with drive up service, but braved the cold and rain. It was worth it for the sausage and rice skillet I made last night from your meal planning menu. Sophomore girl is into Star Trek on Netflix, so it was dinner in front of the tv (our version of movie night!)

Our kitty-cat amusement is when Alfie, our cat, decides to get into the tall cylinder laundry basket. It's quite disconcerting when you don't know he's in there and the laundry basket suddenly starts moving like a punching bag :) The fun part is when he jumps straight up and out of it. That never ceases to amaze me!