Welcome to the first snowy Caturday of December with the Notorious BKL and Friends! Today, the "and friends" part includes Mr. 10 -- who has been anxiously awaiting the first real snow for weeks because MashupDad promised to pay him for shoveling the driveway. No, there wasn't necessarily enough snow out there to warrant shoveling -- but he bundled up (including snow pants!) and got the job done nonetheless.
The Notorious Bad Kitty Lucy watched safely from the window, so when he came in from the cold, it was of course high time to deck her out with these headphones. She's got the beat...
Headphones, however, are not quite as festive as Bad Kitten Gnocchi's reindeer antlers. A visiting friend popped these on her on a whim this week, which somehow completely paralyzed a kitten.
Don't Go In There
While today's snow prompted BKL's don't go OUT there thoughts, the entire week has been an exercise in don't go IN there! Here she is, for example, trying in vain to warn BKG about the dangers of bathtubs and how people inexplicably submerge themselves in water in there...
And here she is warning Gnocchi to stay out of her box... or else.
Chanukah is fast approaching, so the boxes have been coming fast and furious as well -- much to the delight of all three cats. (Who else here orders most of their gifts online?!)
And, here's BKL disregarding her own advice when the allure of the teeny tiny box proved too strong. Yes: She got a bit stuck, and I had to pull it off of her to get her out. You're not a kitten any more, BKL!
But what about Jeremy this week?
Well... this is how you know it's cold: Bad Kitten Gnocchi snuck up and snuggled with Jeremy again while he was sleeping, and he didn't move away from the coziness when he woke up! (They are SO busted...)
How’s your own Caturweek (or Cat-Free week) going?
Well, that’s about it for this week’s Caturday, as we're about to head out on Saturday errands down our newly cleared driveway. Let us know how your week was!
Sunday 24th of December 2017
Well, BKG is now accepted by Jeremy? Does BKG get to cuddle up with BKL?