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Caturday with the Notorious BKL -- Everyone's Mom Edition

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends -- Everyone's Mom edition. We'll just do a short update this week, because we are headed out to a friends and family carnival at IMSA in a bit: As we settle into the school year here, Bad Kitty Lucy has settled further into her role as caretaker-slash-instigator, while Gnocchi is leveraging the boundless power of kitten energy towards her ultimate goal of unseating BKL permanently from her baddest kitty perch.

But she's so darn cute doing it!

BKL is now everyone's mom

It's kind of fascinating to see how the new addition to (and recent changes in) our household are gradually changing the dynamic. BKL continues to hold Gnocchi down and bathe her almost every day, but now apparently also feels sorry for Jeremy -- who's still missing High School Guy. She sometimes grooms him as well lately, or just hangs out with him and comforts him.

For his part, Jeremy appears to have decided that Gnocchi is responsible for his loss or that we have somehow traded his boy for this kitten... so now spends a lot of his time just looming over her menacingly.

BKL is Mr. 10's Mom, too!
And BKL has apparently decided that everyone is now her baby, including Mr. 10, so invests some of her time into grooming him whenever possible. He's a pretty good sport about it... 😉

(Although to be fair, he really did need a bath after he and his friend finished their brownie-baking marathon the other day...)

We have to get going on today's adventures, so let me leave you with Gnocchi in all her aspiring queenly glory. Can't you just sense her plotting to take over the world in there?


Monday 28th of August 2017

...and those are the days of our lives. (insert dramatic music). LOL Gnocchi is so cute! BKL is showing signs of maturing since she has taken some sympathy on Jeremy.


Saturday 26th of August 2017

Oh my gosh, the dynamics of 3 cats! This is great, it's like a soap opera of sorts. I wonder how Jeremy will react when he smells high school guy on all of you when you come home? Maybe BKL should meet you all in the garage and bathe you before you enter?????? So funny.