She is lucky she is cute...
You know that old expression that there is no rest for the wicked? Lies, all of it. Lies. 🙂 Share this... Facebook Twitter Email Messenger Reddit Pinterest
You know that old expression that there is no rest for the wicked? Lies, all of it. Lies. 🙂 Share this... Facebook Twitter Email Messenger Reddit Pinterest
What's for dinner at your house this evening? We're doing the Meatless Monday salad bar thing on this warm almost-summer night, starting right about... NOW. Hard boiled and sliced up some eggs earlier, and have: Free spinach from a long ago organicgirl promo and the sale romaine, grape tomatoes, & sliced peppers from Caputo's, a …
Um... OK? Because how can you say no to that, really. Ignore my messy counter -- "Fruit Chicken" was not exactly a planned activity this afternoon. 🙂 So, how'd we do? Share this... Facebook Twitter Email Messenger Reddit Pinterest
So I won't complain any more about the changes to the Starbucks Rewards program after MashupDad sent me this photo from a grocery store in Anguilla. Before you have complete sticker shock, though, that's actually in East Caribbean dollars -- so currently equal to $12.94 USD. Still some pricey coffee, but not quite as disturbing …
Let's pretend for the sake of argument that some of you might have a giant five pound box of matzo (matzos, matzoh...) in your house this week because it just so happened to be on sale pretty cheap at a local grocery store. This is the place for you to share your favorite uses for …
So I might be a little jealous that Junior High Guy just headed off to DC on a class trip... but not necessarily of the sleeping overnight on the bus part. 😉 What kind of spring break plans do you have / will you have at your house? Share this... Facebook Twitter Email Messenger Reddit Pinterest