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More food label fun -- Splenda is in everything too

So you know those Fruit2O waters that were basically double free at Jewel last week? I passed because they contain Sucralose (Splenda). Low carb MashupDad eats Splenda products like candy, which is a story for another day -- but I've always hated it, so never consume anything with Splenda. The kids would have it occasionally, …

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Why is there HFCS in my chopped garlic?

I've gradually been trying to get better about label reading and the food I'm buying. Last month, for instance, I clipped Musselman's applesauce coupons with the intention of stocking up during a sale at Pete's Market. Every kind they carried listed HFCS as the second ingredient. (And if that wasn't enough corn syrupy goodness for …

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