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Build Your Own Box Tops Box!

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.


Parents with school-aged kids are probably familiar with Box Tops 4 Education -- such an easy way to earn money for your kid's participating school from products you're likely buying anyway!


Last week Mr. 8 and I went to Walmart and picked up several bonus Box Tops products, each of which sports five Box Tops. Just look for the ones with the big 5 Box Tops logo! Only at Walmart, and available in store on specially-marked packaging. Our store had huge Bonus Box Tops displays throughout, and Mr. 8 (shown here with his pal "Lucky St. Louis," who helped...) had fun picking out his favorites to bring home.


It was tough, but we finally narrowed it down... Sometimes, though, it gets hard to keep track of all those little Box Tops and remember to bring them in to school. We've lost a few over the years as they get scattered around the kitchen or buried in stacks of paper -- and neglecting to turn those in is like throwing away free money that the school could otherwise use! So Mr. 8 recently created his own Box Tops Box to corral all the Box Tops and keep them handy in one spot, fueling his handiwork with bonus Box Tops Chex Mix. These Bonus Box Tops products at Walmart for back to school are a great way to jump start the collection process and help fill up your very own Box Tops Box.

Build Your Own Box Tops Box

Your child will need:

An empty shoe box
Construction paper
Markers or crayons


Build your Box Tops Box

To build your own Box Tops Box, simply:

  1. Cover the top and sides of your shoe box with construction paper.
  2. Cut a slot in the box to insert your Box Tops.
  3. Decorate as desired.
  4. Keep in a prominent place to store your Box Tops as you clip them from participating products.

Now, I would have cut the slot for the Box Tops in the top of the box, but someone got all fancy here and made a little door on the front. Let your own kids exercise their creativity in creating their own Box Tops Box, because when the project becomes their own, they take ownership of the Box Tops process and feel like they are the ones contributing to their school.


How do you keep track of Box Tops so that you remember to bring them in to your kids' schools? I'd love to hear about it in comments! Comments submitted may be displayed on other websites owned by the sponsoring brand.


This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of General Mills®. The opinions and text are all mine.