So I was sitting outside WGN today waiting for my ride, and up came this little bird.
He sat on my bag, he sat on me, he sat on Mr. Mashup Mom, and he ate part of a cookie I had in my purse. This, not a wild bird, I think -- considered putting him in my bag and taking him home, but Mr. Mashup Mom pointed out that this might make our cats a little too happy.
Wednesday 25th of August 2010
wow how totally awesome... so sweet.... and he is so cute... lucky you guys =)
Tuesday 24th of August 2010
OMG that is so sweet.
michelle olson
Tuesday 24th of August 2010
Sure looks like a finch to me... My Dad has one that looks pretty darn close to this.. I think maybe he got loose like the Alligator floating in the chicago River.. Have a great day!
Nancy-The Frugal Dietitian
Tuesday 24th of August 2010
I am so jealous!! Had to show my hubby...we have a cockatiel and are quite the bird lovers!!
Monday 23rd of August 2010
I think he was someones pet who got out. Poor lil dude wantes a new family.