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Baseball vs. lawnmower = window loses


Seriously! First the stomach flu, then the toe, now the window... did one of you curse me?

This afternoon's original plan: Write up some deals, pick up some kids -- one from school, and one from the sitter where he was safely ensconced while I did my workshop this morning. What actually happened? Let me tell you a story...

So I get home from the workshop, am eating a late lunch, and think: It's cold in here, I'd better go close the window. Start walking across the room  -- Oh wait? Why is there broken glass all over my couch and chair?

5 minutes later, the guy who mows our lawn knocks on the door and sheepishly hands me this.


In case you ever wondered what would happen if a riding mower ran over a baseball, this is what happens: The baseball loses. And, it flies up in the air and smashes  your window!

So instead of my nice productive afternoon, I've spent the last couple of hours cleaning up broken glass. And "fixing" the window.


So now, please excuse me, because I think I'm going to go make the world's largest brownie with my 14 boxes of Pillsbury mix.

The end. 🙂


Friday 15th of October 2010

So sorry about your bad day. My husband did the same thing only with a rock and the weed wacker. The rock the car window and it broke in a million pieces. That was a very expensive repair. Kept thinking if only we did not switch cars the car would not have been there!!!!

Coupon Princess

Friday 15th of October 2010

Here's an easier solution, throw (no pun intended) all of the Sweet Moments in a pan and you don't even have to bake!

I definitely say barter some soup for the window repair :)


Thursday 14th of October 2010

My pressure cooker explore today and THANKS TO GOD nobody hurts but need to replace my gas range and fan on the top and need lot of cleaning and painting on the ceiling.....all together probably $500.00 or more out of pocket. But had “sweet momentum” and life goes on.............


Thursday 14th of October 2010

Yes, your money has been cursed! Cursed I say! I will take your money and purify it using my psychic powers and then return it completely cleansed of evil. Bring it in a plastic Dominicks grocery bag (I will change the Dominicks into a Jewel bag, that evil is a freebie) to breakfast on Monday. If you do not remove the curse much more evil will come your way - oh, wait, i forgot you're already married with kids. Just forget the whole thing...

D. Savage

Thursday 14th of October 2010

I thought i was having another Mon. But, you win! BTW, chocolate solves everything!