Sadly seasonal: A review of ALDI Bake House Creations Sea Salt Caramel Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough (so good!)
Here's an impulse seasonal buy at ALDI if I ever saw one: Bake House Creations Sea Salt Caramel Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough ready-to-bake-cookies, a mouthful of a name for a mouthful of a cookie!
At $2.79 these aren't exactly cheap: But, you do get twelve good-sized "fresh-baked" cookies per batch. They cook up pretty close to homemade, too, especially for refrigerated cookie dough, and are delightfully full of chocolate chunks and caramel. Be sure to space the balls of dough the recommended two inches apart, as they spread out into good-sized cookies and will morph together into one giant misshapen cookie if given half a chance.
Bake House Creations Sea Salt Caramel Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough, A Review
You can't beat the convenience here, either, making this ready-to-bake chocolate chunk cookie dough a fun project to make with littler ones. You don't even need to slice the dough; just move the pre-made balls of dough from their plastic container onto your prepared baking sheet, and go. (They of course don't cook up as delightfully round and perfect as pictured on the package, but what does, really?)
I baked our batch of sea salt caramel chocolate chunk cookies on one of my Crofton silicone baking mats from last year. These mats have held up quite nicely, and are again back in ALDI stores for holiday bakers -- but silicone baking mats aren't much more expensive elsewhere, if you miss them in store this season. (Check out this three pack on Amazon, for instance.)
If you don't have silicone baking mats, you'll definitely want to line your pan with parchment paper. The molten caramel in these cookies means serious business: Be careful not to burn your tongue, and be careful to let them cool a bit before moving them off the pan. Mine pulled off the baking mat beautifully, but stuck firmly onto the plate, which I had to scrape off later under hot water to get clean.
ALDI sea salt caramel chocolate chunk cookie dough: The final verdict
These cookies got a firm double thumbs up from Middle School Guy, whose only regret is that you get few enough in the package that it's too hard to sneak extras. I baked these up, gave him one, went to take the garbage out, and came back to noticeably fewer cookies than there were before. At first, he adamantly denied eating two extra cookies... but when you only start out with 12, he had to give up that game pretty quickly.
Overall, Bake House Creations sea salt caramel chocolate chunk cookies are recommended if you want your fresh-baked cookie fix without the hassle and mess. Not a lot of sea salt flavor comes through, but you do get a good dose of both chocolate and caramel in this satisfying seasonal dessert.