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Baby Yoda Avocado Toast

ALDI sourdough. ALDI avocado. ALL-DI Baby Yoda feels, in this Baby Yoda Avocado Toast... Just for fun, on this shortest day of the year!

baby yoda avocado toast

Yeah... so someone left me unsupervised in the kitchen today with a piece of ALDI sourdough bread and a nice ripe avocado. (They were cheap last week, OK?) I cannot be held responsible for the results.

Signed, not a food artist by any stretch of the imagination, but maybe yours will look more polished. 😉

I'm just going to sit back with a cup of tea and channel my inner Baby Yoda in front of a little Disney+ now. Hope you enjoy your own Baby Yoda avocado toast (Yoda-cado toast?), because: This is the way.