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And... tomorrow's another SNOW DAY


Thursday 3rd of February 2011

Well, I hope to see my car before April!......parked on a side street next to my building and I have ZERO plans on digging it point as there would be no place to park if I left :)


Wednesday 2nd of February 2011

I wish we could've taken a pic of my car. I have Pacifica. The snow was so high on the drivers side, we couldn't find the door!!! Dh and dd were shoveling in shifts. DD wanted to go to see her boyfriend so she was motivated, lol.


Wednesday 2nd of February 2011

LOL -- luckily it was my neighbor's van! (Well, not luckily for her :) -- dh did help dig her out...)


Wednesday 2nd of February 2011

I just noticed the drift in the background behind your van! It is up to the mailboxes!


Wednesday 2nd of February 2011

Yeah, up here in Mchenry Co. they shut down portions of major roads...we went out to get a new shovel and it was slow going. My dtr. has been off for 3 days now.