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Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends — The Cat Ate My Homework Edition

Welcome back to Caturday with the Notorious BKL and Friends! This week our kitten trouble only intensifies, as Bad Kitten Gnocchi is fully recovered from her little surgery.

I must admit that BKL has calmed down a bit as she’s gotten older, but her protege BKG is really just starting to hit her stride…

Never fear, however: Despite Gnocchi’s best efforts, the Notorious Bad Kitty Lucy remains both ruler of the roost, and queen of all she surveys. It’s a tough job, but somebody’s got to do it!

The Cat Ate My Homework

Silly cat… Math is for kids! Would you like to know just how far the bad kitten apple doesn’t fall from the bad kitty tree? Well, for starters: Mr. 10 has had a heck of a time doing any of his math homework this week. Not just because math homework is not exactly his favorite thing, but because Miss Bad Kitten Gnocchi persists in “helping” him out every day after school. (No, a cute kitten stealing your pencil isn’t at all distracting…)

Do you notice notice any similarities between these two photos of the Notorious Bad Kitty Lucy as a kitten (above) and BKG this week? Hmm. No homework for you! BKL is teaching Gnocchi all of her best habits…

Another thing also becomes clear from all of these photos: The cats will not stay off the table. Because they are: CATS. Note here how the white cat gravitates immediately towards sleeping on the black sweatshirt. She may look as though she’s been curled up here for hours, but I literally just put the shirt down for one minute, foolishly turned my back to sign a form at the counter, and turned back around to find this scene of contentment and coziness. Cat naps are always better when laundry must follow…

The fat cat sat… on the mat

Jeremy, meanwhile, is keeping himself busy this week serving as the living embodiment of a basic phonics primer: The fat cat sat on a mat. Imagine that!

That is, until: Sneak attack! Poor Jeremy. In one fell swoop he lost his High School Guy and gained an antagonist, so his life is pretty unfair right now.

And then there is the dreaded… hugging.

In non-cat-related news: Days of Fun and Errands!

In non-cat-related news this week, we’ve been busy with all the fall fun and errands that need doing before the winter weather settles in for good. On this particular road trip last Sunday we hit up IKEA, the library, Trader Joe’s, a sushi place, Goodwill, and MashupDad’s friend’s mini-farm, all in in one afternoon. Go, us!

High School Guy also cleans up real nice, doesn’t he? Here he is trying on his new orchestra uniform, which now needs hemming… and he needs a haircut… and… well, there’s the beginning of this week’s to-do list, right?!

How’s your own Caturweek (or Cat-Free week) going?

That’s about it for this week’s Caturday, so let me know how your week was!


Sunday 8th of October 2017

Hahaha! The pics really made my day! Cats that love a cuddle are worth a million bucks. Normally they just put up with us silly humans. Mr.10 looks so happy! Made me happy, happy!

High school guy needs a haircut? That was our excuse to get our IMSA guy home for the weekend. Did not always work.


Saturday 7th of October 2017

Wow, sounds like fun! I'm worn out reading it. Take a nap for me please!


Saturday 7th of October 2017

At least Jeremy is getting hugs from Mr. 10 until his favorite High School guy returns.


Saturday 7th of October 2017

Unfortunately he's not a big fan of Mr. 10 -- who I think is too much like a boisterous kitten for his tastes. ;) Doesn't stop Mr. 10 from trying, though!